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Blocked Drain Maintenance 

Blocked drains can be a nuisance. However, if caught and dealt with early on, they are relatively easy to fix and prevent more serious leaks, overflows, or electrical damage.

Geyser Man offers extensive blocked drain maintenance services in Gauteng. In addition, we have some advice to prevent blocked drains.

The most important thing you can do to prevent drains from becoming blocked is to monitor what waste goes down your drain pipes regularly.

For kitchens, this means scraping plates thoroughly to ensure food does not go down the drain and using dishwashing detergent to break down the grease and oil used in cooking. These fats can often be a leading cause for you needing blocked drain maintenance services in Gauteng.

In the bathroom, avoid placing any foreign objects into basins and toilets. These items can quickly collect other debris such as hair and result in a blocked drain. During our blocked drain maintenance services in Gauteng, we often find signs of blockages that could’ve been prevented. 

checking waste pipe outside of the building

Contact Geyser Man Plumbing for details


If you have any questions about our blocked drain maintenance services in Gauteng, please contact our team of experienced plumbers for advice today.